Preparing to go had me full of anxiety, but I thought it would be a nice little test run before we stay gone more than one night to celebrate our anniversary this month. All in all, it was a success with no issues while we were gone. The days before we left, as I made notes about medication and thought through routines, it seemed like a lot. Maybe too much for our friends who have 3 busy boys of their own, with basketball games and birthday parties to attend on the day we’d be gone.
But I was reassured it was fine. At the end of the weekend, that same reassurance was there, my friend insisting it was “no big deal.” I looked her in the eye and said while it might not seem like a big deal to her, it was, in fact, a very big deal. For someone to go out of their way and offer us help, expecting nothing in return, is a very big deal. We’re so lucky to have people in our lives willing to offer that kind of help. Believe me, it is deeply appreciated.
The thing that surprised me the most while we were gone was just how much I missed my boys. We were only away for one night, but they were the first thing I thought of when I woke up the next morning. I actually awoke in the middle of a bizarre dream about bringing along my (nonexistent) puppy for the trip and then forgetting it was packed in the car the whole time! Some strange subconscious mom guilt or something.
I remember years ago having Gage’s newborn photo shoot and the photographer was telling me about a trip to Hawaii she had planned. She just wasn’t sure she’d be able to make it on the trip for fear she’d miss her daughter too much. I remember thinking she was crazy. I just couldn’t wrap my mind around being distracted by anything while relaxing in paradise. It all makes sense now.
Now days, getting away takes a lot more thought and preparation than it did when we were younger and more spontaneous. I still enjoy traveling, but the emotions and anxiety that seem to come along with it are a big change that I’m still getting used to. Regardless, I think it’s worthwhile and I’m so grateful for the chances we have to sneak away from time to time.