I keep encountering reminders from my Heavenly Father of just how awesome his love is for us, and not just for “us” but for me, on a personal level. I’ve teared up a couple times today, but in the best way. In the car earlier, the song on the radio was “Control” by Tenth Avenue North. Just the idea that God wants us had such an impact on me in that moment. I was contemplating how things tend to fall into place, for Gage and in other areas of our life, even though all we can see at first is the big, scary problems. A great reminder to trust in God’s control.
Later in the day, I came across this awesome video from fellow Springfieldian Jeff Houghton with a powerful reminder that we can all do something where we are. Our dreams don’t necessarily have to take us to a different place geographically, but, wow, do they have the potential to take us to a new place within ourselves. Dreams can seem like such a grand idea that sometimes I think we discredit the small ways our lives can change by the paths we choose, regardless of how “ordinary.” When I first watched the video it made me tear up (it’s really good, you guys) but I couldn’t quite put my finger on why. I think what I really love about it is the sense of empowerment that you can make a difference right where you are.
Who knew I could say I’m living my dreams simply by being a mom to 2 amazing boys? That these adorable, stubborn, hard-working cuties could fulfill desires I didn’t even know I had. And that our journey would give me the opportunity to share and connect with so many great people. A few days ago someone gave me some wonderful advice, telling me to expect good things. It really struck me, and he said he meant it and it was a lesson that took him a lot of years to learn. What a simple and lovely philosophy to adopt! I’m forever grateful for these little nuggets of encouragement and basking in the glow of another “one of those days.”