The days of freedom that come with summer came to an end last week, and I’ve got two boys back in school! Three if you count Evan. Before we dive back into a busy fall season, it feels like the right time to highlight some of our summer adventures.
The break started off with a much anticipated trip to the beach! It felt so good to plan and prepare for a vacation after a few years without travel. The trip was not without its hiccups, including stormy weather, a cancelled flight home, and illness. But with some time to reflect, I can honestly say it was good for the soul. In the days immediately following our return, while the boys dealt with fevers and seizures, I’m not sure I would have described it as such.
We made a lot of memories on that trip and captured so many fun moments in photos. I will look back on those and smile, remembering the good parts, and not dwelling on the stresses and struggles that came with it. But one of the most impactful parts of that trip was a chance meeting with another parent. Toward the end of the week, we decided to have dinner out instead of cooking at the condo. While we waited on our food, we walked to the water’s edge where a kind woman offered to take a group photo. I have a hunch she really just wanted a reason to strike up a conversation with Gage, who she commented reminded her of her own son. As she doted on Gage, another suspicion began to grow, that the son she was referencing was no longer with us. She confirmed that when I asked more about him. I told her how sorry I was to which she simply and beautifully acknowledged, “so are we.” From there, she was able to share more about him and the rest of their family and reminisce about his favorite places to travel, offering recommendations for the most accessible and accommodating options.

That coincidental conversation stuck with me. The following evening taking in the beauty of the ocean from our balcony, I thought more about how every vacation, and each part of our lives, have joy and grief inseparably intertwined. I let the tears flow right along with the rolling waves. I don’t think back to that moment with feelings of sadness, or consider it a low spot during the week. Instead, I recall feeling filled up with genuine gratitude and a deep appreciation for opportunities to soak up this life with Gage.
Summer rolled on and we filled up our days with trips to pools, parks, and splash pads with some pretty amazing friends. We hosted sleepovers, celebrated birthdays, tried t-ball, and even enjoyed boat rides and bowling. It was a full and fun summer indeed.
Days before school was officially back in session, we had another adventure at the boys’ first Chiefs game! I’m told that the game Gage attended close to 9 years ago doesn’t count since he was in utero. Uncle Aaron and his family supplied tickets for the whole cousin crew (and their grown ups) and were the most generous and gracious hosts for the day, ensuring a good time was had by all. We weren’t sure about taking Gage along at first, but packed his sound blocking headphones and hoped for the best. The forecast was mild, but warm temps still took a toll on Gage’s energy level. Thank goodness for seats in the shade.

Even with the heat, and Gage’s half smiles instead of hearty giggles, he still made an impression on the woman sitting next to us. Right before half time she left her seat and returned with a bag from the pro shop. She leaned over to me and said “I know this is awkward, but I wanted to get this for your son.” She had purchased him a Chiefs t-shirt in just the right size, and a KC Wolf pennant, not knowing while she was away from her seat, Gage got to meet Mr. Wolf himself! We talked about Gage and his little brother Caleb and how great their relationship was. I told her how touched I was by her kindness and thanked her over and over.
We were lucky enough to leave that game and the day filled with family fun (and a Chiefs win!) with a little something extra–the reminder of the impact Gage has on people just by being who he is. I’m grateful for the remarkable memories that end capped our summer, and all the moments that filled it up in between.
It sounded like a wonderful family summer for you all! I love that you are always willing to express your real feelings & for your grateful sprit in all your adventures. You are awesome‼️
Thanks so much, Aunt Kay!
And I’m crying. What beautiful encounters you had this summer! I love this so much! I hope the boys are having a great time at school! Let’s plan a time to get together!!!
Aww, Bekah, you are so sweet. Yes please to getting together soon. I totally want to hear about your and you boy’s beachy adventure!!